Fish Facts: Atlantic Threadfin – Polydactylus octonemus

Atlantic Threadfin (Polydactylus octonemus) somewhat resembles a catfish with the common silver sides and the long pectoral ray fins which resemble the whiskers of a catfish. The Atlantic Threadfin lives in shallow waters over sandy bottoms usually near the mouths of rivers. These rays serve as feelers just like with catfish and aids in finding … Read more

Surf-Time Awakening

The 21 ft. bay boat makes its way into Timbalier Bay at speeds in excess of 50 m.p.h.. The driver’s eyes are hypnotically fixed ahead of the boat, scanning from side to side. Quickly the throttle is slammed into neutral, causing those aboard to lunge forward from the abrupt change in momentum. Immediately, the skipper … Read more

Fish Facts: Gray Bichir – Polypterus senegalus

Gray Bichir (Polypterus Senegalus) also known as the Senegal bichir and Cuvier’s bichis a native of African lakes including the Nile basin and West Africa, including Senegal, Gambia, Niger, Volta and Lake Chad basins. This species inhabits marginal swamps and freshwater lagoons, the muddy regions of rivers. During the hottest hours of the day, it … Read more

Fish Facts: Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)

Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) are native only to the northern parts of North America. Lake Trout are actually char that live in deep, cold, usually infertile lakes. They preferred water temperature is about 50 degrees therefore in the summer they stay deep and can usually be caught by deep trolling. Their depth is temperature dependant … Read more

Fish Facts: Skipjack Tuna

The saltwaters of this world are inhabited by numerous species of fish. Its alway fun and interesting to catch something ‘different’. The fish pictured here is common off throughout the oceans of the world but many people don’t know it is here because they have never caught one, even among some regular tuna chasers. Well … Read more

Fish Facts: Darwin’s Slimehead – Gephyroberyx darwin

This Darwin’s Slimehead – Gephyroberyx darwinii was caught off the coast of Virginia. Slimeheads are also known as roughies are fairly small but exceptionally long-lived fish species that live in the deep-sea. Roughies can be found in temperate to tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Darwin’s slimehead are the highly sought after … Read more

Fish Facts: Atlantic Midshipman – Porichthys Notatus

Atlantic Midshipman have large heads, brownish in color. The are interesting because the sides of their bodies are lined with rows of light-producing organs. They reach sizes of approximately 8 inches in length. These fish have toxin on thier spines which cause painful wounds. Another interesting thing about Atlantic Midshipmen is that they attach their … Read more

Fish Facts: Atlantic Scombrops – Scombrops oculatus

Atlantic Scombrops range throughout most of the Atlantic ocean but are most commonly caught in the straits of Florida and in the Bahamas. Atlantic Scombrops is a deep water fish(600 to 1800 ft.) that is seldom caught by recreational anglers because it takes some really deep water equipment to reach them.