Fish Facts: Shadow Bass – Ambloplites Ariommus

The shadow bass (Ambloplites ariommus) is a rarely caught sunfish. They are native to Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Georgia but or now where very common. Like most sunfish the Shadow Bass is small usually well under a pound in size. They inhabit stream and river with good amounts of vegetation.

Fish Facts: Jack Knifefish – Equetus Lanceolatus

Jack Knifefish – Equetus lanceolatus range from North Carolina all the way south to Brazil. This include Bermuda, Bahamas, parts of Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Jack Knife fish live in bays sounds and deeper coral reefs. They are sometimes kept in aquariums. They feed mainly on small shrimps and crabs. Interestingly these fish … Read more

Jolthead Porgy – Calamus Bajonado

Jolthead Porgy ( Calamus bajonado ) are a plain silvery fish, scales with blue centers and brassy margins. Cheek brassy, with no markings. Only real markings are a short blue line under each eye. Corner of mouth and isthmus have slight orange cast. Has molar like teeth for urchins, crabs, and mollusks. Jolthead Porgy inhabitat … Read more

Black Belt Cichlid – Cichlasoma Maculicauda

This Black Belt Cichlid was caught near the coast of Costa Rica. The Black Belt Cichlid is one of the more agressive species of cichlids from Central America. Often kept as aquarium fish they must often be religated to their own tank because of their agressiveness. The Black Belt Cichlid is omnivorous and will accept … Read more

Fish Facts: Manduba – Ageneiosus Inermis

The Manduba a catfish prefers rivers in overgrown backwaters where the current is as swift. They feeds on fish and crustaceans. Its a good eating fish. The male has a longer dorsal spine than the female. The inhabit the waters of much of South America.