Deciding What To Plant!

So you’ve decided you want to plant some deer food plots. But now you are overwhelmed with the great variety of choices you have to make. Biologic says their stuff is best, Tecomante says their seeds are better. You don’t know what to think or who to believe. Well keep reading it’s time to shed … Read more

Black Squirrel – Facts

Facts About Black Squirrel

Black squirrels, a striking melanistic variant of the Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), are notable for their unique black fur. This article provides a comprehensive examination of their population distribution, habitat preferences, genetic studies, and the effects of urbanization, integrating valuable data from recent research. Population Distribution In North America, black squirrels are found in … Read more

Fish Facts: Southern Sennet (Sphyraena Picudilla)

The Southern Sennet has a range from Florida to Louisiana. As you can probably see the Southern Sennet is closely related to the Great Barracuda yet is considerably smaller. The Southern Sennet is a predatory fish that feeds on fish, shrimp, and squid. Good to eat though not commonly caught for commercial purposes. Habitat and … Read more

How to Catch Bigger Snapper

In the old days of snapper fishing, success was measured by how many ice chests were filled up. Sadly those days are now gone. Snapper numbers are down and with the introduction of new regulations and restrictions the old fishing techniques no longer work. With the limit on Red Snapper set at only 4 per … Read more

How to Clean Your Wild Turkey

Your hunt is over and this time you, instead of that ole gobbler, came out on top. You admired the turkey, taken some pictures… now the fun is over and the work begins. What you do next will determine if you have as good an experience on the plate as you just had in the … Read more

Why Do We Have Tides?

The Moon and Sun act together or in opposition to cause the tides that we see. Gravitational attraction of the Moon and the Sun causes the tides but not how most people think. Most people think that the Moons gravitational attraction pulls the water on Earth towards the Moon thereby causing the tides. But if … Read more

Fish Facts: Bigmouth Sleeper

The bigmouth sleeper (Gobiomorus dormitor) is capable of living and breeding entirely in freshwater but this is rare. Most of the wild populations of bigmouth sleepers are what is known as diadromous, which means they migrate between fresh and saltwater. Bigmouth sleeper fish live in central america and some of the lower parts of Florida. … Read more

How To Score a Wild Turkey – NWTF

The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) is the defacto standard aka official keeper of wild turkey records just like Boone and Crockett is considered the keeper of whitetail deer records although they are being challenged on that by the newer buckmaster method. The NWTF have been keeping records since 1982 and their website is the … Read more

Fish Facts: Spoonbill Catfish – Polyodon spathula

The Spoonbill Catfish (Polyodon spathula) also known as the paddlefish, is one of most ancient fish around and also one of the weirdest looking fish species. Spoonbill catfish are not actually catfish at all as the name implies. Spoonbill Catfish were once endangered but are now making a comeback. Spoonbill catfish have been around for … Read more

Proof: Oklahoma Cougar Caught on Trail Camera

Ryan Ritter retrieved his game camera (New Year Day 2010) since deer season was ending, but when he got home Ryan and his wife Susan were shocked to find 5 photographs of a mountain lion! These pictures are from Southeastern Oklahoma, Atoka County. Ryan and his wife Susan were amazed, especially since they had always … Read more