Plant Features: Morning Glory

Morning glory is a common name for over 1,000 species of flowering plants in the family Convolvulaceae, belonging to the following genera:

Morning Glory in the Garden

Flowers could be almost any color depending on the species. As the name implies, morning glory flowers, which are funnel-shaped, open in the morning, allowing them to be pollinated by hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and other daytime insects and birds, as well as Hawkmoth at dusk for longer blooming variants. The flower typically lasts for a single morning and dies in the afternoon.

New flowers bloom each day. The flowers usually start to fade a couple of hours before the petals start showing visible curling. They prefer full sun throughout the day and mesic soils. In cultivation, most are treated as perennial plants in tropical areas and as annual plants in colder climates, but some species tolerate winter cold.

Creative Ways to Use Morning Glory in Your Lawn

Patio Decor

Patio decoration with the Morning Glory Vine

Morning glories add vibrant colors to your patio. Place pots around the edges. Bright blooms create a cheerful atmosphere. Use a trellis to let them climb, forming a natural canopy. This setup provides beauty, shade, and privacy.

Fence Decoration

Transform plain fences with morning glories. Plant seeds at the base. Guide the vines to climb the fence. Soon, you’ll have a fence covered in stunning flowers. This makes your yard more inviting and attractive.

Arbors and Pergolas

Pergola Decoration with the Morning Glory Vine

Morning glories excel on arbors and pergolas. Plant them at the base. Vines will quickly cover these structures with beautiful blooms. This creates a shaded, flower-filled retreat, perfect for relaxing outdoors.

Mailbox Makeover

Add a touch of charm to your mailbox. Plant morning glories at the base of the post. The vines will wrap around the post, turning your mailbox into a welcoming feature. This small touch can greatly improve your curb appeal.


Garden Trellis

Morning Glory Vines - Garden Trellis

A garden trellis works well with morning glories. Install a trellis in your garden. Plant the morning glories at its base. Vines will climb the trellis, adding vertical interest and color to your garden. Place the trellis near a seating area for maximum enjoyment.

Hanging Baskets

Morning glories thrive in hanging baskets. Plant them in baskets and hang them around your patio, porch, or even from tree branches. Vines will cascade down, creating a beautiful display of flowers. This adds color to higher spaces in your yard.

Garden Structures

Morning Glory Relaxing garden

Enhance garden sheds, birdhouses, or other structures with morning glories. Plant them at the base. Guide the vines to grow over the structures. Flowers add charm and character, turning ordinary features into delightful focal points.

Privacy Screens

Create privacy screens with morning glories. Plant them along a wire fence or stakes in a row. Vines will form a dense wall of foliage and flowers, providing privacy and a beautiful backdrop for your garden.