Caught: Largemouth Bas – Lake Espanola
Todd Quirk caught while fishing a lizard at Mexico’s Lake Espanola. This largemouth bass weighed 9.9 pounds.
Todd Quirk caught while fishing a lizard at Mexico’s Lake Espanola. This largemouth bass weighed 9.9 pounds.
Picture of a Royal Dottyback. Colorul little fish that is half purple and half yellow.
5,000 stingray attacks are reported in the United States alone each year…most incidents occur as a result of carelessness or ignorance. That spring evening was one of the most picture-perfect days for wadefishing that one could ever ask for. With little effort, Leroy Lee and I had a beautiful mess of redfish tugging on our … Read more
Amur Pike live in Northeast and Central Asia in the Amur River system. They are closely related to Northern Pike and are very similiar in feeding habits and size.
Early seasons squirrel hunting can be extremely rewarding, yet can also be sometimes frustrating as well. The challenges and frustrations to the early season squirrel hunter are many. From the mosquitos, deer flies, the heat, spiders and their huge hunter catching webs to those darn green leaves everywhere obstructing out view and our shots. All … Read more
Jack Knifefish – Equetus lanceolatus range from North Carolina all the way south to Brazil. This include Bermuda, Bahamas, parts of Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Jack Knife fish live in bays sounds and deeper coral reefs. They are sometimes kept in aquariums. They feed mainly on small shrimps and crabs. Interestingly these fish … Read more
Here is a picture of a Sea Raven (Hemitripterus americanus). They live in the cold waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. This species can be found on rocky bottoms with sand or mud, or among seaweeds. The Sea Raven has the ability to pump itself up with air when removed from the water. Coloration is … Read more
Jolthead Porgy ( Calamus bajonado ) are a plain silvery fish, scales with blue centers and brassy margins. Cheek brassy, with no markings. Only real markings are a short blue line under each eye. Corner of mouth and isthmus have slight orange cast. Has molar like teeth for urchins, crabs, and mollusks. Jolthead Porgy inhabitat … Read more
Chris Peltier killed this boar in October. It was shot in the marsh surrounding Weeks Island, Louisiana.
As boar hunting continues to take leaps and bounds throughout the world of big game hunting, more and more hunting clubs and ranches are turning to management practices that produce trophy boars. Long dead are the days of excitement created by the sight of just one wild hog. Today hunters are forever searching for bigger … Read more