Rattling Up Bucks

We have all seen it on television. We have all read about it in the hunting magazines. You have even tried it once or twice. But the question remains will it work for me? Can I really expect to blow on this deer call (deer grunt calls, whitetail deer calls), bang these antlers together and … Read more

Fish Facts: Smallmouth Bass – Micropterus Dolomieu

Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) is a member of the sunfish family. The smallmouth as it is called is a very popular game fish. The smallmouth bass is a closely related to the largemouth bass but prefers cooler water temps although their ranges overlap significantly. The smallmouth bass is generally brownish with red eyes, and darker … Read more

Fish Facts: Red Porgy – Pagrus Pagrus

Red Porgy (Pagrus pagrus) are found in the Atlantic Ocean and ranges from New York to Argentina. It is also found in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Smaller red porgys are commonly found in shallower waters but the adults prefer deeper waters. The feed on a variety of invertibrates and are commercially harvested. The … Read more

Fish Facts: Redbreasted Sunfish – Lepomis Auritus

Redbreast Sunfish (Lepomis auritus) also go by other names such as longear and redbelly sunfish or bream. The redbreast sunfish is probably the most abundant sunfish in the Eastern U.S. in the states bordering the Atlantic. The extend their range West to Texas but also become far less frequently caught the farther west you go. … Read more

“Hunting the Attakapas Island Ghost Buck”

The year was 1995 (three years after Hurricane Andrew). The place… Louisiana’s Attakapas Island WMA. Attackapas Island is thick and formidable, resisting entry and cold as heck in the Winter. While returning from a morning hunt I found HUGE deer tracks left on a remote trail. I studied these tracks and made my mind up … Read more

Fish Facts: Yellowfin Tuna – Thunnus albacares

Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) reach a maximum size of 450 pounds. Yellowfin have football shaped bodies, dark blue or black above with yellow on the sides and fins tinged in yellow with the finlets yellow. Yellowfin occur in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Yellowfin Tuna are schooling fish and are the most important commercially of … Read more

Fish Facts: Seminole Killifish – Fundulus Seminolis

Seminole Killifish (Fundulus seminolis) are a minnow found in Florida from Lake Okeechobee on north almost to Georgia but also absent from the western part of the state. They can be found in lakes and the quiet pools of streams. Coloration is variable going from mostly pale, to speckled like in this photo to occasionally … Read more

Fort Stewart Wild Hog

This pig was taknen off of Ft. Stewart (military base) in Savannah, GA. Even at 6’5″ and 250 pounds the hunter still had a hard time dragging this hog out!!! His biggest boar yet, although he says bigger ones are around. He guessed the weight to be 250+.