“Let’s Go Swimming In The St. Johns River”

Robert Gatling is a Jacksonville dentist with a passion for Florida alligator hunting. He’s been after them over the last seven years, and annually takes some heavyweights, including many over 10 feet long weighing hundreds of pounds. But the brute he and three buddies located Sept. 20 in the St. Johns River about 30 miles … Read more

Fish Facts: Bearded Brotula

Bearded brotula – Brotula barbata is a bottom feeder found over a variety of bottoms in water that ranges from as shallow as 50 to as deep as 1000! Bearded brotula range from Northern Florida in the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean and southward to Northern South America. Bearded brotula are … Read more

Fish Facts: Northern Kingfish

The northern kingfish Menticirrhus saxatilis is a member of the drum family and is often found in the trough adjacent to the swash zone of the beach and on sand bottoms in the bays and channels. And range from Chesapeake Bay to New York usually but can be found outside of this range to a … Read more

Fish Facts: Baby Bluefin Tuna

Pictured above is a Baby Bluefin Tuna. This one was caught in the Mediterranian Sea, a prime breeding ground for Bluefin Tuna. He doesn’t look like much yet but if he is lucky enough to survive a few years he has the potential to reach a weight of hundreds of pounds. Color pattern coupled with … Read more

Fish Facts: Cocahoe Minnow – Fundulus grandis

Cocahoe minnows go by a number of different names. In Louisiana they are known as cocahoes, in Florida they go by bull minnow or mud minnow, in text books they are often referred to as gulf killifish. Regardless of the name the cocahoe minnow is an excellent baitfish. They are large and hardy and speckled … Read more

Plant Features: Persimmon

Fruit is used by foxes, deer, raccons, oppossums, skunks and songbirds. If you find one of these dropping fruit during the hunting season you better hunt that tree.

Plant Features: Cow Oak

Cow oak also commonly called Swamp Chestnut oak is an oak tree with alternate, simple, leaves with a margin large teeth, 4 to 8 inches long, 3 to 5 inches wide, dark green and shiny above, pale and downy below. Cow oaks produce a very large acorn that is 1 to 1 1/2 inches long, … Read more

Buck Forage Oats In Your Deer Food Plot!

When it comes to providing the quality forage and attracting deer to your property, buck forage oats are hard to beat. Buck Forage Oats have been tested against many other forages including clover and clover blends and BFO’s has proven to be the most preferred forage in side by side test. During testing, Buck Forage … Read more