Missouri Truly Is Turkey Heaven

As I was traveling for my first Missouri turkey hunt I couldn’t help but think of all the stories that I’ve heard from all my buddies about turkey hunting in Missouri. I have always dreamed of turkey hunting in Missouri but never got an opportunity to do so. You would never believe the way this … Read more

Caught: Dealfish – Trachipterus jacksonensis

The dealfish belongs to the family Trachipteridae. All fish in this family are pelagic and are slim eel shaped fish. The dealfish like most of the fish in this family are deepwater fish that usually reside out of reach of the average fisherman and are therefore rarely encountered. Dealfish live in the Western Indian Ocean … Read more

Your Food Plot and pH

You probably already realize that fertilizer is an important part of growing a productive garden. Food plots are just like your back yard garden except you are growing food for the deer not yourself. So different plants are grown but the need for fertilizer remains the same. The need for fertilizer in a garder is … Read more

Fish Facts: Black Adonis Pleco – Acanthicus hystrix

Black Adonis Pleco (Acanthicus hystrix) aka Lyre Tail Pleco is an armored catfish species from Brazil. This Pleco is sometimes bought by aquarium enthusiast but that is usually a mistake. Acanthicus hystrix is best suited for large public aquariums or large private aquariums not small home aquariums of 100 gallons or less. Take one look … Read more

Fish Facts: Blotched Picarel – Spicara Maena

Blotched picarel are most readily identifed by the dark blotch on their side that gives them their name. They are found in the Eastern Atlantic from Portugal, Morocco, and Canary Islands east through the Mediterranean all the way to the Black Sea. They are not a big fish and are only of minor commercial importance. … Read more

Fish Facts: King Mackerel – Scomberomorus cavalla

King Mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) reach a maximum size of 100 pounds. King Mackerel have long tapering bodies common of all Mackerels. Their coloration is dark gray above fading to white on the belly. With finlets running along the top and bottom of the fish forward of the tail fin. King Mackerel occur in both the … Read more

Fish Facts: Striped Mojarra – Eugerres Plumieri

Striped mojarra (Eugerres plumieri) range in the Western Atlantic from South Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Brazil but are absent from Bahamas and West Indies. Striped mojarra liv in shallow coastal waters and occasionally travel quite a distance into freshwater. Striped mojarra feed on aquatic insects, crustaceans, clams and even … Read more

Fish Facts: Great Northern Tilefish

Great northern tilefish – Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps: Occur from Nova Scotia to southern Florida and the Gulf of Mexico and possible the northern coast of South America. Usually tilefish are found in fairly deep waters around 500 ft or more, usually over mud or sand bottom and occasionally over rough bottom. They feed mainly on shrimp … Read more