Fish Facts: Red Belly Pacu

Red Belly Pacu is a non-native fish that gets introduced to local waters. People keep them in aquariums and sometimes release them into the wild. Pacu are closely related to the Paranha, as both are from the Amazon. Red Belly Pacu are similiar in appearance to Red Belly Piranha but the Pacu mostly a vegetarian.

Large Rodent: Nutria (Myocastor Coypus)

The nutria (Myocastor coypus), is a large semi-aquatic rodent. In most of the world the animal is called coypu, but in North America the animal is called nutria. Nutria are not native to the USA but were introduced years ago for their fur. Originally in pens they either escaped during a hurricane or were intentionally … Read more

Deer Hunting

This section is all about deer hunting, more specifically whitetail deer hunting. The love of deer hunting is what drove me to create this site to begin with. By displaying white tail deer pictures, articles, video clips, hunting tips and special hints I hope to improve other peoples experiences while out in the field. I … Read more

Fish Facts: Southern Stargazer

Southern Stargazer are some strange fish. Stargazers have the ability to produce an electric shock from an organ located between their eyes which they use in self defense so be careful when handling one.

Fish Facts: Atlantic Moonfish – Selene setapinnis

Atlantic Moonfish – Selene setapinnis. Adults usually found near the bottom from inshore waters out to 150 feet. Often found ins schools. The young are found on muddy bottoms brackish estuaries and in coastal marine waters. Atlantic Moonfish feeds on small fish and crustaceans. Moonfish are good to eat. Atlantic Moonfish are members of the … Read more

Fish Facts: Atlantic pomfret – Brama brama

Atlantic pomfret (Brama brama) despite the Atlantic in the name are found not only in the Atlantic but also in the Indian, and South Pacific oceans. They are deep water fish living in water as deep as 6000 feet deep. The Atlantic pomfret is a mesopelagic fish, which means they live in the area of … Read more