Fish Facts: Opossum Pipefish – Microphis Branchyurus

Opossum pipefish – Microphis branchyurus broods eggs on its trunk which is rather unique among pipefish and also unique is that the brooding male opossum pipefish do so in freshwater enviroments. They are most often found on the east coast of Florida. Opossum pipefish reach lengths of about 7 to 8 inches long and can … Read more

Fish Facts: American Shad – Alosa sapidissima

The American shad (Alosa sapidissima) range along the Atlantic coast, from Florida to Canada. Here is an unsual trait. American Shad that spawn in rivers south of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina die after spawning but those that spawn north of there often survive to spawn multiple times. American Shad in the past were very abundand … Read more

Tree Freatures: Water Oak – Quercus Nigrarange

Water Oak (Quercus Nigrarange) from Texas to Florida and North to New Jersey and into Illinois. Water oaks are a red oak that is a consistent producer of acorns making an excellent tree as far as wildlife value goes. But its timber value is much lower than most other oaks. If you are planting oak … Read more

Tree Features: American Beech – Fagus Grandifolia

American Beech – Fagus grandifolia: A medium sized tree. Leaves altenate, simple, deciduous, 2.5 to 5 inches long, 1 to 2.5 inches wide. Fruit is a 3 angled nut, enclosed in a bur covered capsule. Trigs often zigzag with terminal buds 1 inch long. Bark is thin, smooth, gray. Range from southeastern Canada to Wisconsin south to … Read more

The Fairytale Buck

When you are a child you might dream of fairytale creatures. As we get older these dreams turn to other endeavors. For many deer hunters, the dream is of record buck bucks or that rare non-typical buck with the coveted droptine. For one Louisiana hunter the 2001-02 hunting season presented a rare opportunity for a … Read more