Fish Facts: Bluehead Chub (Nocomis leptocephalus)

The bluehead chub has a stocky body and a very large head covered with tubercles. They have olive to brown sides often with dorsal and caudal fins orangish. The fish pictured above is a male which can be easily identified during the breeding season because their head turns blue. The average adult size is about … Read more

Fish Facts: Tripletail

The fisherman is holding a tripletail fish in his hands

When observing the waters of tropical oceans around the world, one species in particular stands out for its intriguing attributes – the tripletail fish. By their scientific name Lobotes surinamensis, these marine animals exhibit unique anatomical and behavioral characteristics that have captured the interest of researchers. We will share more details about this species in … Read more

Fish Facts: Rock Cale

A picture of a rock cale fish underwater

Rock Cale is known as either “Crinodus lophodon” or “Aplodactylus lophodon” depending on who you want to listen to. It is found from northern New South Wales to northern Victoria. Mostly in shallow waters, while eating algae. Physical Characteristics The rocky waters are home to an unusual resident called the Rock Cale. With its sizable … Read more

Fish Facts: Southern Sennet (Sphyraena Picudilla)

The Southern Sennet has a range from Florida to Louisiana. As you can probably see the Southern Sennet is closely related to the Great Barracuda yet is considerably smaller. The Southern Sennet is a predatory fish that feeds on fish, shrimp, and squid. Good to eat though not commonly caught for commercial purposes. Habitat and … Read more

Monster: Mekong Giant Catfish

Here is a picture that has been widely distributed throughout the internet and you are probably wondering if this is a hoax or real. Well unlike just about every other amazing photograph that makes these rounds this one just so happens to be real! This one weighed in at an incredible 646 pounds! Widely reported … Read more

Learn 15 Best Fishing Knots

Learning to properly tie the best knot is critical if you want to become a better fisherman and not have that once-in-a-lifetime fish become a tall tale. Need to learn how to tie a specific knot or need to find a fishing knot for a specific purpose but don’t know which knot is best for … Read more

Fish Facts: Dealfish – Trachipterus Arcticus

Dealfish is found in the North Atlantic to as far south as Florida. Not much is known but they are about them. They feed on small fishes and squids. The bottom picture recently surfaced. The fish washed up on the beach in Florida. It has been misidentified by some as an oarfish. It is not. … Read more