Tuna…under the cover of darkness!

Tuna fisherman the world over know that night time can be the right time, and those that have experienced night fishing around the Gulf’s deepwater platforms might argue that it’s the best time. It allows all anglers the opportunity to even the score for all their wasted attempts during day trips. Why do these platforms … Read more

Alligator Hunting Tips

1. Place your setup in a place where alligator trails are spotted on the shoreline. 2. Your hook is should be baited with a piece of smelly chicken or fish. 3. Allow the bait to dangle around 2 1/2 feet above the water. The higher that the bait is above the water, the bigger the … Read more

Fish Facts: Orange Filefish – Aluterus Schoepfii

Orange Filefish – Aluterus schoepfii are found in the waters of the both the Eastern and Western Atlantic Ocean. Orange Filefish are usually found over seagrass, sand, or mud bottoms, however; Juveniles are associated with floating Sargassum weed. As you can see they grow to be decent sized. They are generally considered a trash fish by … Read more

Fish Facts: Rosy Reds – Pimephales Promelas

Rosy Reds Pimephales promelas are really nothing more than fathead minnows given a fancy name and sold in aquarium shops as feeder minnows for other fish. The difference being that the rosy reds have an unusual color as compared to the regular drab fathead minnow. These reddish orange fathead minnows are sold under a variety … Read more

Choupique or Bowfin Picture!

Jeff Simpson caught this one near the everglades. It was released after photographing and weighing him. Jeff caught him one a live bluegill after having his 14-lb line snapped about six times the previous morning by who-knows-what. Here are some quotes. “He was very strong and went right into the hydrilla but I pulled him … Read more

Tree Features: Pignut Hickory – Carya Glabra

Pignut Hickory (Carya glabra) is a medium size tree that Pignut hickory reaches 50′ to 60′ high. Pignut hickory growing on dry ridgetops and slopes throughout. Pignut Hickory wood is heavy, hard, and strong and is mostly used for tool handles. The nuts they are an important food for squirrels and chipmunks. Pignut Hickories have … Read more

Plant Features: Clovers – Trifolium Repens

White clover (Trifolium repens) is found throughout the temperate regions of the world and is limited only by extreme cold or heat or by drought. In the United States, white clover is found in the eastern half of the country and in the Pacific Northwest. White clover does best in well-drained silt loam and clay soils … Read more

Fish Facts: Redeye Piranha – Serrasalmus Rhombeus

This is a redeye piranha (serrasalmus rhombeus). Redeye piranha is just one of the common names this fish goes by. Other more popular common names is White Piranha and Black Piranha. The reason I used redeye piranha is because there is so much confusion between white and black piranha that the name is almost meaningless. … Read more