Plant Features: Greenbrier

Greenbrier Vine - About Plant

Greenbrier is a thorny evergreen vine that grows in thickets, along roadsides, and in woods. Greenbrier is the common name for a number of individual species of vine. All Greenbrier vines are good for wildlife. The black fruit is a good source of food for many species of birds and matures from September to November. … Read more

Plant Features: Dodder Vine

Dodder Parasite Plant

Dodder (Cuscuta Sp.) is a parasitic plant that doesn’t make its own food like most other plants. It steals all its food from other plants through suckers that grow into the other plant’s bark. The vine has no roots, no leaves, no chlorophyll!!! Dodder is called strangleweed, love vine, angel’s hair, and witches shoelaces and … Read more

Plant Features: Cross Vine

Crossvine - Bignonia capreolata - Attractive Flowers

Crossvine “Bignonia capreolata” – the leaves are opposite, compound with only two leaflets, evergreen to late deciduous, ovate to lanceolate, margins smooth, 3 to 5 inches long, rachis ends with a branched tendril, dark green in summer, bronze-red in winter. The flowers are attractive, tube-like, flaring and spreading at the ends, 2 inches long, reddish … Read more

Hog Magnets

One of the biggest challenges in long term hog hunting and management is to be able to keep hogs in a given area for an extended period of time. There are a few factors that should be looked at when determining what needs to be done to get hogs in a certain area and keep … Read more

Alabama Big Black Bobcat

Here is the original picture from Alabama of a big black cat! Here is a picture of the back side of the feeder. Which side of the water was the cat on???? Conclusion! The exact position can not be conclusively proven. The animal could be on the far side of the water hole or it … Read more

Proof: Mississippi Cougar Caught on Video

Black Cat - Cougar- Spotted In Mississippi

Thanks for visiting my website, I hope you enjoy all the video clips. Below is a video clip of a cougar aka panther, mountain lion, or puma. The amazing part about the clip is where it all happened! This wasn’t filmed out West where cougars are well established. This video was taken near Meridian Mississippi. … Read more

Cougar Track Identification

Finding cougar tracks is one way that experts can confirm the presense of a cougar in an area. Although for track evidence to be accepted as a proven confirmation it would have to be examined by a trained perfessional. But before that step can reached the layperson would have to know what he is looking … Read more

Photo Evidence of Cougars in the South!

The cougar goes by many names: mountain lion, puma, panther, catamount and others. These different names have led to a lot of confusion, so just to clarify; these are all the same creature. The cougar once inhabited most of North and South America but by the 1900’s had been largely exterminated from most lands east … Read more