Things To Know About Louisiana Bullfrog

Louisiana Bullfrog - Large Amphibians - Facts

The American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), common in Louisiana, stands out as a powerful species. Its robust nature allows it to thrive in various environments, posing significant challenges to local ecosystems. Basic Characteristics Bullfrogs are large amphibians, often reaching lengths of up to 20 centimeters. They have powerful legs for jumping and strong jaws, allowing them … Read more

Cought: Big Jackfish

This big Jackfish was caught by Arthur Toscano at the Port Aransas jetty in May, 2005. Jackfish or Jack Crevalle is one of the hardest fighting fish that swims. These fish are hard-fighting but not very good on the plate. But man they will give your arms a workout. Where Can We Catch It? Big … Read more

Fish Facts: Cunner

The Cunner is a common fish in shallow waters around cover. Cunners are omnivorous feeding on a wide variety of prey including sea urchins, worms, fish eggs, molluscs and crustaceans. Spawning occurs from June to August. Cunner are small fish of about 1/2 pound or less. They range from Labrador to New Jersey. The fish … Read more

Fish Facts: Juvenile African Pompano

Juvenile African Pompano, notice the long filaments that tip the end of its fins. These get shorter the older the fish is. Even though the names implies they are an african fish they do occur in U.S. waters each year. You might be interested: Recipes: Florida Pompano

Fish Facts: Yahoo for Wahoo

They’re the meanest, fastest and biggest mackerel in American waters, said to reach speeds up to 60 mph. Anglers fishing the blue water zones of the Gulf of Mexico are often pleasantly surprised by incidentally hooking them while trolling for other species like tuna or marlin. Wahoo can also be found from Virginia to South … Read more

Plant Features: Chinese Privet

Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense) is a woody shrub with opposite, simple, entire leaves. About 1 inch in length. Chinese Privet forms a shrub reaching heights of about 15 feet. Physical Characteristics Chinese Privet grows as a shrub. It reaches heights between 6 to 12 feet. The leaves are opposite, simple, and oval-shaped. They measure 1 … Read more

How to Measure According to Buckmasters Rules?

Want to know if your buck will make the record book? You must first decide which method of scoring you will use. There are two methods for scoring your trophy whitetail bucks antlers, B&C; ( Boone and Crockett ) and BTR ( buckmasters ) are the two competing methods. Here the BTR ( buckmasters ) … Read more

Fish Facts: Speckled Trout

Speckled Trout (Cynoscion nebulosus) also know as speck is a very important gamefish in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the Atlantic Ocean. Speckled Trout are easy to identify. They have elogated bodies with spots. The spots are more prominent when young and are more numerous on the back. Specks have two very easy … Read more

Fish Facts: Northern Stargazer

Both of these pictures are of a Northern Stargazer. Pictures were sent in by different people. Stargazers are very strange fish. Stargazers have the unique ability to produce an electric shock from an organ located between their eyes on the top of their head. So be careful when handling them.