Fish Facts: Red Snapper

Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) reach a maximum size of ~50 pounds. Red Snapper, as the name implies, have a somewhat reddish color. A more descriptive adjective would probably be rose colored. The young have a large dark spot just below the back part of the dorsal fin. Red Snapper range from Massachusetts down to Florida … Read more

Tree Features: Pin Oak

Pin Oak Leaves

Pin oak (Quercus palustris) is a medium-sized tree that has a distinctive pyramidal form. The leaves are simple, alternate, 3 to 6 inches long. Pin oak has 5 to 9 bristle-tipped lobes with very deep sinuses that extend almost to the midrib. Pin oak fruit is a small acorn 1/2 inch long, round but flat … Read more

Wild Hogs Oklahoma Style

These are some of Bobby & Brandie Henry’s recent hog-hunting pictures. Pictured here is Brandie and her husband Bobby tieing down a sow getting ready to transport her home. We use NALC Catahoulas to bay with and 1 pitbull as a catch dog. All the hogs are bayed and caught with dogs they DO NOT … Read more

Tunica Hills WMA Trophy Buck

Here is an awesome buck taken by Darryl Krumholt. This buck was taken by bow on the Tunica Hills WMA in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. Darryl has been hunting the Tunica Hills WMA for years, ever since it opened. This is just one of the bucks he has taken over the years. Tunica Hills WMA … Read more

Plant Features: Black Cherry

Black Cherry – Prunus serotina: A small to medium sized tree. Leaf: Alternate, 2 to 5 inches long, oval to oblong, lance-shaped. Margins are finely serrated, dark green and lustrous above, paler below; usually with a dense yellowish-brown, pubescence along mid-rib. Flower: White racemes appear when leaves are half to newly formed. Flowers May to July. … Read more

Blood Stain Pattern Interpretation for Hunters:

They average amount of blood in a deer or any other animal is 1 ounce of blood per # of body weight. Example 160# = 5 quarts of blood. (Live weight). The amount of blood loss to affect a deer, not including any body injury, is approximately 32 ounces. Death occurs after about 45 ounces … Read more

150 Class Buck

Tony Cantrell took this beauty on Nov. 9th 2002 of the Kansas deer season. “I had hunted the spot 3 different times and only glimpsed a 6 point buck. I knew a good buck was in the area and with the rut approaching I figured our paths would cross sooner or later if I was … Read more

Fish Facts: Bluegill

The Bluegill Fish - Facts

Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) is also known as bream, brim, or sunfish. Bluegill Range from the Rio Grand to Minnesota to Florida and everywhere in between. Bluegill can be identified by the bluegill flap. Bluegill grows to a maximum size of nearly 5 pounds. Bluegills prefer pools in streams, lakes, and ponds. Bluegill is one of … Read more

Animal World – Skunks | Beware of the Scent

Skunks are mammals with black-and-white fur. Worldwide there are 11 species of skunk. Two skunk species inhabit Indonesia and the Philippines, and the other 9 live in North and South America. Skunks vary in size from just over 1 pound up to 10 lbs. Although the most common fur color is black and white, some … Read more

Fish Facts: Brown Hoplo (Hoplosternum littorale)

This catfish was found in the St. Lucie River in Florida. It is 9 inches long. A large catfish was seen floating dead in the river and the tail of this catfish was seen sticking out of its mouth. The smaller catfish had impaled the large catfish in the head while being swallowed. This resulted … Read more