Yet Another Record Speckled Trout from Louisiana!

Records continue to fall. This is a least the 5th trout to top ten pounds this year in Louisiana! Captain Steven Bono guided angler Timothy Mahoney on an afternoon fishing trip! The result…. a 11.2 pound beauty! This fish will place number 3 or 4 in the state record list. Mahoney booked the trip with … Read more

Learn to Read the Beach

The ability to Read the Beach is a skill that takes a lifetime to perfect. It is however a necessary skill to acquire as it effectively informs us where to place our bait and increases our chances of catching a fish. The ability to read the beach allows us to identify sloughs, highways, gutters and … Read more

Proof: Indiana Cougar Captured On Camera

Paul Harbour of Clay City went deer hunting with a bow (2009) and got more than he bargined for. He spotted a cougar making its way past his deer stand. Paul had the presense of mind to pull out his cell phone and take a few pictures of the cougar as it walk by. Paul … Read more

Tree Features: Water Locust(Gleditsia aquatica)

Water Locust Tree - Facts About Tree

Gleditsia aquatica is a tree that originates in the southeastern United States and adjacent regions. This swampy tree occurs primarily in southern parts of the United States. It comes from southeastern, western Florida to eastern Texas and northern Illinois. It can be found as far north as Ohio, southern New York, and southwestern Connecticut. Important … Read more

Fish Facts: Short Bigeye – Pristigenys alta

The Short Bigeye is an unusual looking little fish. They are a nocturnal predator, seeking cover in reefs, wrecks and other structures by day and feeding at night. Short Bigeye’s occur in the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to South America.

Possible New Louisiana State Record

Rudy Bonnette killed this monster buck on Lake Ophelia National Wildlife Refuge in Avoyelles Parish. This buck has green scored at 175 4/8 according to the Buckmaster system which doesn’t include the inside spread. It should score about 190 when measured for Boone and Crockett. Which would put it as the No. 1 buck ever … Read more

Fish Facts: Spottail Pinfish – Diplodus holbrooki

Spottail pinfish (Diplodus holbrooki) is a member of the porgy family. It is similiar to the common pinfish except it has a large conspicuous spot just before the tail fin. They are frequently caught used as live bait for large offshore predators. They can be found in coastal waters from Virginia To western Florida and … Read more

Louisiana’s Oil Rigs – Great Artificial Reefs!

Fishing Louisiana offshore oil production platforms (rigs, wellheads) can prove successful, if you know the right methods, tips, tactics, how-to, and techniques. Off the coast of Louisiana lies some of the world’s most unusual reefs. We’re not talking about coral or shell reefs, but the steel legged kind that the oil companies constructed throughout the … Read more