Fish Facts: Striped Mojarra – Eugerres Plumieri

Striped mojarra (Eugerres plumieri) range in the Western Atlantic from South Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Brazil but are absent from Bahamas and West Indies. Striped mojarra liv in shallow coastal waters and occasionally travel quite a distance into freshwater. Striped mojarra feed on aquatic insects, crustaceans, clams and even … Read more

Hunting Expedition Gone Bad, Real Bad!

Many years ago a good friend owned an archery supply company and invited me to Montana for a two week bow hunting trip. He had paid for everyone’s tags and we spent many hours over the prior months planning and getting ready. He decided that we were going to hunt the Charles Russell National Wildlife … Read more

Fish Facts: Great Northern Tilefish

Great northern tilefish – Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps: Occur from Nova Scotia to southern Florida and the Gulf of Mexico and possible the northern coast of South America. Usually tilefish are found in fairly deep waters around 500 ft or more, usually over mud or sand bottom and occasionally over rough bottom. They feed mainly on shrimp … Read more

Fish Facts: Granulated Catfish – Pterodoras Granulosus

The Granulated catfish is nocturnal predator of the Amazon Basin and Paran River basins and coastal drainages in Guyana and Suriname. These catfish or opportunistic feeders and will feed on a variety of foods including mussels and the fruits of Astrocaryum javar. They are usually a brown colour with some darker spots over the body … Read more

Fish Facts: Leopard Toadfish – Opsanus pardus

The Leapard Toadfish has the general appearance of the oyster toadfish with a large head, large mouth but the skin has a more spotted pattern. Toadfish feed primarily on smaller fish and small crustaceans. Maximum weight is about three pounds. They range throughout the Gulf of Mexico and the Western Central Atlantic Ocean.

Fish Facts: Bullet Mackerel

Bullet Mackerel are a widely distributed fish. They are found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, including the Mediterranean Sea. Bullet Macekerel are highly migratory. Adult Bullet Mackerel are usually caught in coastal waters and around islands. They are a schooling fish as are most all Mackerels. They feeds on smaller fishes, crustaceans and … Read more