Fish Facts: Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)

Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) are native only to the northern parts of North America. Lake Trout are actually char that live in deep, cold, usually infertile lakes. They preferred water temperature is about 50 degrees therefore in the summer they stay deep and can usually be caught by deep trolling. Their depth is temperature dependant … Read more

Fish Facts: Skipjack Tuna

The saltwaters of this world are inhabited by numerous species of fish. Its alway fun and interesting to catch something ‘different’. The fish pictured here is common off throughout the oceans of the world but many people don’t know it is here because they have never caught one, even among some regular tuna chasers. Well … Read more

Fish Facts: Darwin’s Slimehead – Gephyroberyx darwin

This Darwin’s Slimehead – Gephyroberyx darwinii was caught off the coast of Virginia. Slimeheads are also known as roughies are fairly small but exceptionally long-lived fish species that live in the deep-sea. Roughies can be found in temperate to tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Darwin’s slimehead are the highly sought after … Read more

Fish Facts: Atlantic Midshipman – Porichthys Notatus

Atlantic Midshipman have large heads, brownish in color. The are interesting because the sides of their bodies are lined with rows of light-producing organs. They reach sizes of approximately 8 inches in length. These fish have toxin on thier spines which cause painful wounds. Another interesting thing about Atlantic Midshipmen is that they attach their … Read more

Fish Facts: Atlantic Scombrops – Scombrops oculatus

Atlantic Scombrops range throughout most of the Atlantic ocean but are most commonly caught in the straits of Florida and in the Bahamas. Atlantic Scombrops is a deep water fish(600 to 1800 ft.) that is seldom caught by recreational anglers because it takes some really deep water equipment to reach them.

Fish Facts: Man-of-War Fish – Nomeus gronovii

The Man-of-War Fish (Nomeus gronovii) also known as drift fish or shephard fish has a silver background with numerous blackish blue blotches over its body. One identifying trait is the out of proportion pelvic fins. The Man-of-War Fish ranges in various parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Man-of-War Fish gets its name … Read more

Robust Armored Gurnard

Robust Armored Gurnard Satyrichthys welchi is a strange looking fish. It is a member of the armored searobin family an occurs most frequently in North West Australian waters but has also been found as far North as Japan and as far east as the east coast of Africa.

Atlantic Saury – Scomberesox Saurus

The Atlantic Saury lives as the name implies in the atlantic ocean. They can be found as far North as Iceland and Norway down to the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Aegean seas South to Morocco. On the Western side the range as for south as North Carolina and Bermuda. They feed on zooplankton and fish larvae … Read more

Fish Facts: Whitespotted Soapfish – Rypticus maculatus

Whitespotted soapfish – Rypticus maculatus occur from the Rhode Island to Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico. Soapfish get their name from their ability when agitated to produce a toxic body mucus that forms a slimy, suds like lather. The toxic mucus serves as a deterrent to predators. Whitespotted soapfishes are small fish unlike their … Read more

18 Foot Long Alligator

Truly amazing. You will find yourself just staring at this reallife monster. Compare the gators back foot to the mans chest. Correction: The man in the picture, Toni Hays contacted me and gave me this information. The alligator in the picture is not 18 feet long. It is about 14 feet long and was caught … Read more