Want to know if your buck will make the record book? You must first decide which method of scoring you will use. There are two methods for scoring your trophy whitetail bucks antlers, B&C; ( Boone and Crockett ) and BTR ( buckmasters ) are the two competing methods. Here the BTR ( buckmasters ) method will be explained. So lets get right to it on how to measure.
You will need a 1/4 inch steel tape to measure the deer antlers. This is mandated by the rules, no other instrument can be used to measure the deer antlers except a flexible steel cable can be used to measure the points and main beams. A bucks antlers or measured to the nearest 1/8 of an inch. Unlike the B&C; ( boone and crockett ) system there is no mandatory drying period for deer antlers.
All points are measured for the tip of the point to where it meets the main beam and must be 1 inch long to be counted and must be longer than its base is wide.
First, measure the lenght of each main beam. Start at the base and measure along the outside of the beam to the tip.
The bucks points or numbered P1-P10 on each beam. Unlike B&C; there is no limit to the number of scoreable points. Where the P1 is the brow tines etc. Now record the length of each point.
Now measure the smallest circumference between the base and the brow tine. This is known as C1. C2 is the smallest circumference between the C1 and C2. If there are no brow tines then C1 and C2 are the smallest measurement between base and P2. The last circumference is taken halfway between tip of mainbeam and last point if P4 doesn’t exist. If P4 and P3 are absent (six point) then C3 and C4 are taken 1/3 and 2/3 of the way between the P2 and the tip of the main beam.
Now add up all the measurements (No spread used in BTR, both main beam lenghts, tine lengths, and the circumferences) and this is the gross score and the final score.
Thats how. Now get to measuring.